Sports Day
Sports Day is this Thursday!
Here are some things to remember:
- Events start at 10:30am at the Ulsan College pitch
- Parents are very welcome to attend
- Students need a packed lunch that doesn’t need reheating
- Student should be wearing their team colours
- The PTA will be selling snack and have asked for donations
- The PTA will also be offering face-painting in team colours – Let us know if you don’t want your child’s face painted.
- It looks like it will be a hot and sunny day, and the student will be outside for a long time. Hats, water bottles, and sunscreen are a good idea.
Buddha’s Birthday Holiday
Please remember that there is no school on Wednesday due to the Buddha’s Birthday holiday.
After-School Activities in Week 6
Please note that there will be some disruption to after-school activities in week 6 due to the residential trips.
The following club activities will be cancelled in week 6:
- May 22nd: Steel Drum Club and Table Tennis Club
- May 23rd: Basketball Club
Ulsan Children’s Home
Last Friday, representatives from HFS visited the Ulsan Children’s Home. We met with the team at the home and presented our donation purchased with the money raised by the readathon. Will also discussed how the school can help this great cause in the future.
Ulsan Children’s Home has been providing a loving home to disadvantaged children in Ulsan since 1947.

Residential Trip
The residential trips for Mr Dunn’s class, Mr Morgan’s class and Mrs Leah’s class are very soon!
Here are a few things to think about:
- We are still waiting for payment from a few people – Please note that if you haven’t paid by Wednesday 15th May we will not be able to take that student on the trip. We need to pay for accommodations, food and activities in advance
- The Busan Residential Trip Information Slideshow will be updated on Monday to include a packing list for students. We encourage students to pack their own bags, as this teaches responsibility and makes them more aware of what they have with them.
- We need to know a little bit about food preferences so students need to complete these forms:
- Students will receive a special snack bag from the school. Only snacks that fit in the sealed bag are allowed
- There will be a meeting for students on Friday afternoon at which they will receive final instructions
School Consultative Group Nominations
Nomination for parent representative to join the School Consultative Group will remain open for one additional week. This extension has been made because of a lack of confirmed nominations. The process for nominations and the revised timeline are outlined below.
We are holding elections to select two parent representatives to join our School Consultative Group.
The aims of the School Consultative Group are:
- To ensure smooth and effective communication amongst all stakeholders in the school
- To help the school community acquire an improved understanding of the operation of the school
- To listen to the views and opinions of the school community and endeavour to reflect them in the management of the school
The election will proceed as follows:
- If a parent would like to nominate a parent to be a representative, please complete a nomination form by Friday 17th May. You may nominate two people, including yourself.
- Voting papers with the candidates’ names will be sent home with students on Monday 20th May
- Voting papers must be returned by Friday 24th May
- The results will be announced via the newsletter on Friday 24th May
- The first meeting of the newly elected group will be on Wednesday 29th May
The operation of this group is fully explained in the School Consultative Group Policy
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