School Consultative Group Nominations
We have still not received any confirmed nominations for parents to join the School Consultative Group. It is important for the operation of this group that we get representation from as wide a range of the school community as possible. We have therefore decided to open nominations for one more week. The revised timeline is included below. If we are unable to form a quorate group, an open meeting will be held on the date outlined below to discuss how best to proceed.
N.B – Some nominations have been received but not confirmed. Parents who have been nominated have been contacted by email, asking them to confirm that they wish to be involved with this group. Until we receive a response to that email, we cannot proceed with including that person in an election process or involve them as a parent representative. If you have received an email, please respond confirming you wish to be involved with this group.
We are holding elections to select two parent representatives to join our School Consultative Group.
The aims of the School Consultative Group are:
- To ensure smooth and effective communication amongst all stakeholders in the school
- To help the school community acquire an improved understanding of the operation of the school
- To listen to the views and opinions of the school community and endeavour to reflect them in the management of the school
The election will proceed as follows:
If a parent would like to nominate a parent to be a representative, please complete a nomination form by Friday 24th May. You may nominate two people, including yourself.
Voting papers with the candidates’ names will be sent home with students on Monday 27th May
Voting papers must be returned by Friday 31st May
The results will be announced via the newsletter on Friday 31st May
The first meeting of the newly elected group will be on Wednesday 12th June
The operation of this group is fully explained in the School Consultative Group Policy
Residential Trips
The residential trips for Mr. Dunn’s class, Mr. Morgan’s class, and Mrs. Leah’s class are next week.
Full information on each trip, including packing lists and itineraries, is available here.
If you have any questions about the residential trips, Mr. Green is available by email and happy to help.
After-School Activities in Week 6
Please note that there will be some disruption to after-school activities in week 6 due to the residential trips.
The following club activities will be cancelled in week 6:
- May 22nd: Steel Drum Club and Table Tennis Club
- May 23rd: Basketball Club
Sports Day
Thank you to everyone who came along this week to support our Sports Day. The students had a great day, showing excellent teamwork, respect, and determination. Thank you to the PTA for providing snacks and face-painting.

Upcoming Dates
- Week 6 – Residential Trips
- Friday 31st May – Monday 10th June – Mr Green out of school
- Thursday 6th June – Memorial Day Holiday
- Friday 14th June – End of year Reports published
- Week 10 – Parent-Teacher Conferences
- Thursday 27th June – End of Year Trips
- Friday 28th June – Last day of the academic Year 2023/24
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