Mr Morgan’s Class Update – T1W12

Happy Friday everyone,

Week 12 has drawn to a close, and it has been another busy and productive week, with lots of great learning occurring.

In Maths, we have continued our journey of learning about fractions, decimals, and percentages. This is always a topic that students find challenging, but I was extremely impressed by the resilience and growth mindset on display. Everyone put in a great deal of effort. At the end of this week, they put together graphic organizers explaining what they had learned. It was a very rewarding task, and students were able to explain to each other the steps needed to perform a number of operations with fractions, decimals, and percentages.

In English, we created persuasive posters for imaginary after-school clubs. Students learned the criteria needed to make effective posters. They produced some great examples. As a final task, we rated and assessed each other’s posters based on the criteria learned. An excellent exercise of peer assessment and constructive criticism.

In IPC, we looked at how longitude and latitude, combined with physical features, affect climate. In keeping with our theme of tourism, students became travel agents. They were given a variety of tourist profiles, and their mission was to find the perfect holiday destination based on their “client’s” age, hobbies, family, and climate preference. Students had to really consider which countries would be suitable and explore the facilities that would satisfy their clients.

Well done everyone. Have a great weekend and get some well-deserved rest.

Mr Morgan

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