Mr Morgan’s Class Update – T2 W12

Hello everyone!

It is the final Friday of Term 2, and it has been a busy last week, tying up loose ends and getting in the spirit of International Day. We finished up this term by……..

In Maths, we spent the week exploring time. Overall, it can be a tricky concept, not only are you dealing with different units, but also you have to convert them into decimals. Students really employed their growth mindset to become proficient at this. It also enabled us to have some fun, timing challenges such as breath holding, speed reading, and tower building to recognize the importance of being able to work out time intervals and the need to convert.

In English, we took the opportunity of International Day to explore folklore from each of our countries. It was a good chance for students to work on their story-telling skills, as well as an interesting and eye-opening introduction to the tales from around the world. We learned about Johnny Appleseed, Kitsune, Puss in Boots, and the Pied Piper to name a few.

In IPC, we started the week researching how countries have changed over time and creating layover maps showing how major events have shaped our world. We finished up our unit on ‘Being Historians’ by understanding the importance of learning history. Looking at the meaning of Sir Winston Churchill’s famous quote “Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. We studied positive and negative images from important world events, to recognize how they have affected our current lives. We then looked to the future, incorporating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, to achieve a better world.

It has been an excellent term, and it feels like we are well and truly settled into the new school. I hope you all have a well-deserved break, and I look forward to seeing you fresh in Term 3. I will leave you with a few photos from International Day.

Have a great break,

Mr Morgan

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